Trachelospermum jasminoides

Trachelospermum jasminoides

Confederate jasmine, southern jasmine, star jasmine, confederate jessamine, Chinese star jasmine Ρυγχόσπερμο. Star jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides, is a woody, evergreen climber with rich, dark green leaves which turn bronze in winter. From mid- to late summer, pure white, fragrant flowers are produced. It can be grown against a wall in milder climates or in a greenhouse or conservatory in areas prone to severe frosts. Is an evergreen woody liana growing to 3m high. The leaves are opposite, oval to lanceolate, 2–10 cm long and 1–4.5 cm broad, with an entire margin and an acuminate apex. The fragrant flowers are white, 1–2 cm diameter, with a tube-like corolla opening out into five petal-like lobes. The fruit is a slender follicle 10–25 cm long and 3–10 mm broad, containing numerous seeds.


A valuable perfume oil is extracted from the steam distilled or tinctured flowers and used in high end perfumery. In a dilute form, tinctured flowers are much used in Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai incenses. A bast fibre is produced from the stems.

Growing Trachelospermum jasminoides

Grow Trachelospermum jasminoides in well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade with protection from cold, drying winds. If growing indoors, plant in loam-based potting compost in full light but not direct sun. Water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly during the growing season, and water sparingly in winter.

Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Gentianales
Family Apocynaceae
Genus Trachelospermum
Species Trachelospermum jasminoides


  • Trachelospermum jasminoides
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides